Why Modernize?
One of the most serious obstacles to digital transformation is the use of legacy systems.
Lots of organizations continue to rely on outdated technology that lacks a reliable support system,
and is unable to satisfy organizational needs.
There is a misguided belief that the old system can still efficiently handle the job,
while others believe that it would be too expensive and risky to fully modernize their systems.
While these concerns are valid there are many reasons why your company should consider modernizing.
Challenges of Legacy Systems
Benefits to Modernizing
Approaches to Legacy Modernization
Depending on different legacy system modernization considerations, various approaches can be utilized to achieve digital transformation. They include:
Migration and Enhancement
This typically involves re-hosting or using cloud solutions to modernize or enhance legacy systems without changing the current business logic and architecture. Migration may include UX/UI updates.

Correction and Growth
This approach assumes that the current system is relatively modern, and merely requires updates and optimizations. No significant changes in business logic are made.
Correction and Growth
This approach assumes that the current system is relatively modern, and merely requires updates and optimizations. No significant changes in business logic are made.

Total Transformation/ Software Reengineering
This approach draws from the revolutionary method of legacy modernization and involves reengineering the logic of the system. The legacy system is used as the basis while new technologies are used to make improvements.

Legacy Modernization Methods
Legacy system modernization can affect several different facets of technology, including, applications/software, languages, database, technical architecture, platforms, systems, presentation layers, functionality, and so on. Whether the legacy system modernization affects one or more facets, different methods can be used to realize digital transformation goals.
What Tizbi Can Do for You
Tizbi has worked with numerous SMEs and large enterprises,
enabling them to close the gap between their legacy systems and modern systems.
Whatever your case is, Tizbi maximizes advancements in service-oriented architecture (SOA),
APIs and middleware technology to facilitate cost-effective legacy system transformation.
We help organizations choose the best path that fits their business and user needs,
whether it involves a total or partial upgrade, customization, maintenance, or support.

Our Approach
Bearing in mind the different legacy system modernization strategies, the essential steps we take to ensure successful legacy system modernization include the following:
Our steps to modernize
Our steps to modernize
Our steps to modernize
Our steps to modernize
Our steps to modernize
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